Monday, February 23, 2009


My fear (of getting site work) won at last and I was in Hyderabad with a lot of dreams on 1st July, 2008. 3rd July was the joining date of Satyam but they made it reporting date to save the salary of four days. The whole day we filled some forms and watched some tedious videos. Then on 5th we had a tough test. I couldn’t understand the purpose of that test at yet except keeping us disconsolate for some days as hardly anyone got more than 60% overall. Our actual joining date was 7th July and that day we had an induction program. The whole day, we listened some speeches, maximum of them were damn tedious and watched some videos. I liked Brig’s speech very much. Next day was again dedicated to these speeches and videos and we were separated into two groups. Some were in Microsoft (development team) and others were in QEdge (testing team). I was in QEdge team, I don’t know it was my good luck or bad luck as maximum of us (in both team) are still waiting for work and not happy with Satyam.

9th July was the starting date of our first phase training, which was really very stressful. During 1st phase, we had a hectic official schedule of 9 am to 6.30 pm (unofficially it was 9 to 9 or sometimes till 12 at night) with a lots of OLAs and case studies. The scariest stuff was OLAs (online assessments) during the training as most of us got LOC (letter of caution) which was awarded for less than 65% marks in any assessment. In the first OLA 30 out of 38 got less then 70% (passing marks) which was the main reason behind making OLAs scary, also there was some problem in assessment tool too. The one more reason to dislike OLAs was…. they ruined many of our Sundays. Second phase was little bit relaxed with less assessments and contented timings (schedule). Overall training was full of motivating speeches, with very common statements like

> You are very lucky to get such type of training…..
> Your batch is special batch as you are from PPP colleges (meaning of PPP is a mystery for us at yet)….
> QEdge is not bad at all (or don’t think Microsoft is better than QEdge)…
> You all will get project soon after a successful training, there will be no bench period for you……bla bla bla………….

Also there were some speeches from our senior leaders stating “you have to work hard….if you will not get more than 70%, you will be fired…………minimum 2% of you will be out from here for sure“. I don’t know whether these speeches were to encourage us or to douse us.

One more interesting thing about training was that we did not know when the training will be finished...even our RM did not know that. Firstly it was scheduled up to September end, and then it was extended to 13th October.

After the successful training, we all reported to “My Home Hub” building. It was really hard to find our reporting place first day due to improper communication between RMs. After roaming around here and there for two hours, we found the proper place. We were expecting projects, but we did not get even bench as there was no system allocated to us. Then the worst thing of professional life happened with us… there was a great struggle for chairs to sit. Somehow we managed with the limited chairs (almost half in numbers than our batch strength) with mutual understanding. The dark room helped us a lot as we could sit on floor without being noticed and pass our time by playing DumbC. After 10-15 days, some guys were allocated to different locations and chair-struggle ended but one struggle was there always, till we all allocated to somewhere, how to pass the time. On 7th Jan, the day of Satyam’s fall, I was allocated in Cisco, but till now, I am waiting for some work (except 2-3 days, I did not have any work here).

Now it’s really hard to keep the tears inside when I look back at my decision of choosing Satyam at the cost of Reliance Energy. Some questions arise in front of me again and again….whether your decision was right….whether you preferred a better professional life….you are worried about your carrier like a jobless person……are u really living a professional life. Sometimes these questions laugh at me but I can not do anything except crying. I never expected that one wrong decision will change my life so much and to this extent….. :-(
I think, that decision was……….…THE BIGGEST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE


Ankesh said...

rightly spoken dude...dreams have shattered...And realy u have made a blunder for ur career...may the wounds are more painful coz of the reccession...So Its true it always Sucks...

Tarun Goel said...

See, there is always a reason to be good again :)
Who is stopping you?? And if you think that the decision was wrong, then this is the time to make it right :D